Cancel enqueued payout
  • 11 Oct 2024
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Cancel enqueued payout

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Article summary

⚠️ The pawaPay Dashboard Docs have moved home ⚠️

Visit our new and improved Docs Hub here:, and learn about ‘cancelling an enqueued payout’ here.

During certain incidents with Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), pawaPay may temporarily suspend the processing of payouts. However, we understand the importance of maintaining the flow of your transactions. Therefore, we continue to accept your payout requests during these periods.

These requests are assigned a status of Enqueued. This status indicates that your payout request has been received and is in line for processing as soon as the network stabilizes. However you have an option to cancel these transactions if you choose by navigating to the respective payments details page and initiating a cancellation from there.

To cancel an Enqueued transaction, click on the "Cancel transaction" button.

The process should conclude within a few seconds, and a confirmation message will appear upon its successful completion.

Please note!
There is also an option to initiate this process via an API call. Read more regarding this functionality from our API documentation

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