  • 06 Aug 2024
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Article summary

On the pawaPay platform all of your mobile money is stored in wallets. In most cases wallets are issued per country and hold all your available mobile money in that country. 

On the Wallets page, you can see running balances of all your wallets and also have an option to choose a breakdown of those wallets to see what kind of transactions have occurred.

Balance overview

In the balance overview section of the page, you can see each of your wallets and their

  • Country
  • Current balance
  • Currency
  • Mobile Network Operator (MNO)


You can also click on of the wallets to see the breakdown of that balance.

Please note!
In normal circumstances wallets are issued per country. If no MNO is displayed for a wallet, then all payments in that country are done through this wallet.

Wallet breakdown

Having clicked on one of your wallets, you have to choose a time range for which you would like to see the wallet breakdown.


Quick filters
You can use the quick filters below the date picker to quickly see yesterdays, last weeks or last months wallet breakdown.

After pressing Search you will see the different types of transactions that have affected your wallets balance during that period.

Together with the opening and closing balance for the selected period, you will also see the total value of:

  • Deposits
  • Payouts
  • Fees
  • Withdrawals
  • Top ups
  • Adjustments

You can always export your results into a CSV file.

Please note!
  • Wallet breakdown is shown from midnight to midnight in the UTC time zone.
  • You can choose up to one month period at a time.

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